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© 2016-2022 Parker Russell International Ltd. All rights reserved. The Parker Russell network is not one international partnership and Parker Russell member firms are not otherwise legal partners with each other. Many of the member firms have legally registered names which contain “Parker Russell”, however there is no ownership by PRIL. A member firm cannot act as agent of PRIL or any other member firm, cannot obligate PRIL or any other member firm, and is liable only for its own acts or omissions and not those of PRIL or any other member firm. Similarly, PRIL cannot act as an agent of any member firm, cannot obligate any member firm, and is liable only for its own acts or omissions. Please see www.parkerrussellinternational.com/structure for future details.
Parker Russell International Limited is a company limited by guarantee and incorporated in England and Wales. The company registration number is 4861541. The registered office is Level 30, The Leadenhall Building, 122 Leadenhall Street, City of London, London EC3V 4AB , United Kingdom. Parker Russell International Limited is subject to English Law.

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